Monday, February 6, 2012

Showing Up & Shutting Up

As December casually breezed into January, before we knew it, January drifted into February (evident by my last blog, posted around mid-January..where has the time gone!). While the passing days bring me closer and closer to a new chapter, a post-school (forever.. and I mean forever) chapter, I find myself 30% excited and 70% terrified for whats to come.

But its not what you're thinking. Its not due to the newness of it all, but rather, due to the growing list of shit things that need to be accomplished by May 10th.


1. Complete semester long project.
2. Complete and document (not to mention impress) while at semester long internship.
3. Ace Pass my last real class.
4. Complete yet another group project.
5. Network, network, network.
6. Apply for jobs.
7. Train for half marathon.
8. Remain sane.
9. Neglect none of the following: boyfriend, friends, family.
10. Learn to be more
11. Blog.
12. Complete half marathon.
13. Get a job.
14. Avoid becoming a total terror to be around.
15. Complete Operation: Washboard Abs.


16. Graduate.

These next 12 weeks are going to be, well, awful. But the light shines somewhere at the end of this tunnel, even though my eyes are straining to see it.

While some of these are more important to get checked off the list (please see #3, #13.....#15), and some more realistic than others (please see #8, #10, and #14 specifically), the only way to survive it is to show up and shut up.

So, I'm here--but I can't promise total compliance with that last one..