Sunday, May 8, 2011

For My Mom

First, a very Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers out there! I think most of us can agree that when Mothers Day rolls around there is always the slightly guilty feeling of "why does this only roll around once a year?"

So today on this Mothers Day I wanted to share some of the things that have made my mom so special, for 22 years, 365 days of the year:

He ability to make you feel special: I don't know how mothers of more than one seem to keep everyone straight (can you tell I have a lot to learn before entering motherhood?) but my mom always had the ability to make all of us feel special, and I know it would have been the same had there been 4 of us, 8 of us or 18 of us. Your favorite meals for days when returning home from college, a fridge stocked with anything you may have ever mentioned that you once liked (she once single handedly supported my Red Bull habit for a whole summer.. who knew they came in 12 packs!), flannel sheets on your bed the moment the season began to change, and lets not forget about the "special plate" for birthdays and special occasions. 

Her persistence: I don't know why this example stands out more than the rest, probably because it happened more than once, but I can remember multiple times where we would go shopping for school clothes, prom dresses, shoes, etc. and there would always be that one thing I never got because most of the time it was too expensive or I felt too guilty. Now, mothers have this sixth sense that it took me awhile to figure out (that I'm sure we sometimes all wish they didn't). She'd know that said item was still on my mind, and guess what? She'd return to the store at 7 am, coupon in hand and make it happen. I think I get part of that from her; it can't ever wait, or we'll be thinking about it forever. For this same reason I constantly drive my friends crazy buying 18 different sizes and styles at various stores letting them know that if I save the receipt, I can always return it (thanks Mom). 

Her mentality: Don't get me wrong, we were by no means spoiled children, something I attribute to both of my parents. With that being said they have always helped us out as much as they could. My mom's famous line, "numbers in, numbers out." They never made us feel guilty about where we wanted to get an education (public or private), experiencing life abroad or taking a new job in a city that we may have not quite been able to afford just yet. Numbers in, numbers out, my mom would say. But one of us is responsible for buying her a motorcycle when we finally make our millions (my money's on Kevin). 

Her heart: My mother is honestly, without a doubt, the kindest person I know. As her children, my siblings and I would be lucky enough to pick up just a trace of that. We all joke that none of us want to become our mothers, but when I do catch myself doing small things with my mother's heart, it makes me smile. Its funny as you start to grow up, you find traces of your parents in everything you do. Picking up my boyfriend's favorite x,y or z before his visit, writing a friend a nice card when he or she is going through something difficult, buying someone a gift just because it looks more like them than me. The little things.

While I can wait to be a mother (and will wait, I don't want to give my mother a heart attack on her day of days), I know that whatever it takes I will be one. I find myself so lucky to have beautiful examples of great mothers all around me; friends, aunts, sister-in-laws, close family friends. But I find myself most fortunate that I have the best example of all, one that I would be lucky to duplicate, but I'd settle to give my children even 1% of what she's given me. 

Happy Mothers Day, Mom!


  1. You described Aunt Mary to a tee! Beautiful.

  2. What a beautiful tribute to your mother, All so very true!
    I also like what you said about your aunts....

    I just spent a weekend full of laughs and fun with your mom and dad.

    Love you!
