If your eyes have ever wandered over to my "about me" section, recent events have made me notice I've left one great big descriptor out. I'm also an aunt! And last Friday my family was graced with another beautiful gift making me an aunt two times over. Another beautiful little girl to call my niece.
You know how people say that "love makes the world go 'round?" Well, last Friday my bumper sticker would have read "babies make the world go 'round." There is just this overwhelming sense of elation, happiness and love when you get your first glimpse of that little peanut and realize that she is just starting off this tiny little life of hers. Bet you can't even read it without the slightest trace of a smile emerging.
And then of course there is the realization, more present with my brother's first daughter I must admit, that this isn't just any baby--this is my brother's baby. I've always had a very special relationship with my brother; while we're opposite ends of the age spectrum, him the oldest and I the youngest, I've always felt immensely close to him. For most of our lives we couldn't have been in more different places, and with him now a father of two I guess you could really say things haven't changed. However, we've always gravitated towards similar music, had similar interests and I've even been told similar dispositions. He is, and always has been, just as much a best friend as a brother. And now, he has these two little girls, my nieces.
While I do live four hours away, I try to take every opportunity I can to see his family. One baby has already turned into a little girl right before my eyes, and I can't bear to miss any more. I grew up with more aunts and uncles than I could count on fingers and toes (my dad is one of 8, my mom one of 11), spread all over the Northeast. I have some that I am very close with, very present in my life, and some...well, its a crap shoot with a family that big. But these little babies have just two aunts and two uncles, and the baby love that warms my heart is just one more reminder to myself that they'll always know me as more than just a face at holidays or a signature on a birthday card.
My new niece, also my god daughter, already holds an indescribably special place in my heart. Until we meet, I keep up in pictures and I can't help thinking how fast this little baby will grow up. I look at her tiny face and I lose myself thinking about the little girl she'll become, the personality she'll make her own and the beautiful life she'll live with my brother and his family.
But even after we meet, and in years to come, it will always be a case of baby love.
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